Most of my published research is listed below and is also available via Google scholar and ORCID
- Eleonora Mussino (2010), The Fertility of Foreign Women Resident in Italy: From the Construction of Longitudinal Data to the Analysis of Behavior, PhD Thesis, National library of Rome and Florence.
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles:
- Marianne Tønnesen, Eleonora Mussino (2020), Fertility patterns of migrants from low-fertility countries in Norway. Demographic Research 42 (31), 859–874 10.4054/DemRes.2020.42.31
- Andrea Monti, Sven Drefahl, Juho Härkönen, and Eleonora Mussino (2019), Over-coverage in Population Registers and What We Can Do About It. Population Studies online first
- Leen Marynissen, Eleonora Mussino, Jonas Wood, Ann- Zofie Duvander (2019), Fathers’ Parental Leave Uptake in Belgium and Sweden: Self-Evident or Subject to Employment Characteristics? Social Sciences 8 (11), 312
- Anna Oksuzyan, Eleonora Mussino, Sven Drefahl (2019), Sex differences in mortality in migrants and the Swedish-born population: Is there a double survival advantage for immigrant women? International Journal of Public Health, 1-10, doi: 10.1007/s00038-019-01208-1
- Eleonora Mussino, Vitor Miranda and Li Ma (2019), Sex composition of children born and transition to third birth among immigrants in Sweden Journal of Population Research (2019) 36:81–109
- Nadja Milewski, Eleonora Mussino (2019), New aspects in fertility of migrant and minority populations in Europe: Norms, attitudes, and intentions in fertility and family planning.Collection in Comparative Population Studies (CPoS) Vol. 43 (2018): 371-398.
- Eleonora Mussino and Livia Ortensi (2019), Same fertility ideals of the country of origin norm? A study of the personal ideal family size among immigrant women in Italy. Collection in Comparative Population Studies (CPoS) Vol. 43 (2018): doi 243-274 -2019-03 309
- Eleonora Mussino, Ann-Zofie Duvander and Tervola, Jussi (2018), Decomposing the Determinants of Fathers’ Parental Leave Use: Evidence from migration between Finland and Sweden. Journal of European Social Policy Volume: 29 issue: 2, 197-212
- Eleonora Mussino, Vitor Miranda and Li Ma (2018), Sex ratio at birth among immigrant groups in Sweden. Genus 2018 74:13
- Eleonora Mussino, Ann-Zofie Duvander and Li Ma (2018), Does Time Count? Immigrant Fathers’ Use of Parental Leave for a First Child in Sweden Population-E, 73 (2), 2018, 363-382 doi: 10.3917/pope.1802.0363
- Eleonora Mussino, Ann-Zofie Duvander and Li Ma (2018), Recours au congé parental chez les immigrés pères d’un premier enfant en Suède: la durée passée dans le pays compte-t-elle?. Population-F, 73 (2), 2018, 381-400 doi : 10.3917/popu.1802.0381
- Sol Juarez, Eleonora Mussino andAnders Hjern (2018). Being a refugee or having a refugee status? Birthweight and gestational age outcomes among offspring of immigrant mothers in Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. 7(7):730-734. doi: 10.1177/1403494818777432.
- Jussi Tervola, Ann-Zofie Duvander and Eleonora Mussino (2017), Promoting parental leave for immigrant fathers – what role does policy play? Social Politics 2017 Volume 24 Number 3:269:297
- Ann-Zofie Duvander and Eleonora Mussino (2017), Föräldraledig nu eller senare? Invandrade kvinnors användning av föräldrapenning. [Parental leave now or later? Immigrant women’s use of parental benefit] Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift 23 (3-4), 259-282
- Eleonora Mussino and Ann-Zofie Duvander (2016) Use it or save it? Migration background and parental leave uptake in Sweden. European Journal of Population, 32(2), 189-210 doi: 10.1007/s10680-015-9365-x
- Eleonora Mussino, Gabrielli Giuseppe, Anna Paterno, Salvatore Strozza and Laura Terzera, (2015), Motherhood of Foreign Women in Lombardy: testing the effects of migration by citizenship Demographic Research: Volume 33 – Article 23: 653-664 doi: 10.4054/DemRes.2015.33.23
- Stefano Rigattieri, Alessandro Sciahbasi, Sven Drefahl, Eleonora Mussino, Maria Cera, Cristian Di Russo, Silvio Fedele, and Francesco Rocco Pugliese, (2014), Transradial Access and Radiation Exposure in Diagnostic and Interventional Coronary Procedures Journal of Invasive Cardiology; 26(9):469-474
- Marco Fortini, Luca Mancini, Luigi Marcone, Eleonora Mussino and Evelina Paluzzi (2013), Chi si stabilisce in Italia? Transizione verso la residenza degli immigrati extracomunitari Rivista Italiana di Economia, Demografia e Statistica- Volume LXVII n. 3/4 Luglio-Dicembre 2013.
- Francesca Lariccia, Eleonora Mussino, Antonella Pinnelli and Sabrina Prati (2013), Antenatal care in Italy: Differences between Italian and Foreign Women. GENUS Vol 69, No 2 DOI: 10.4402/genus-489
- Daniele Vignoli, Francesca Rinesi and Eleonora Mussino (2013), A home to plan a child? Fertility intentions and housing conditions in Italy. Population, Space and Place Volume 19, Issue 1, pages 60–71, DOI: 10.1002/psp.1716
- Eleonora Mussino and Alyson Van Raalte (2013), Immigrant Fertility: A Comparative Study between Italy and Russia. International Migration vol 51-2 pag 148-164. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2435.2012.00760.x
- Eleonora Mussino, Gabrielli Giuseppe, Anna Paterno, Salvatore Strozza and Laura Terzera (2012), Il comportamento riproduttivo e le strategie migratorie degli stranieri presenti in Lombardia. Rivista Italiana di Economia, Demografia e Statistica- Volume LXVI N. 1 Gennaio-Marzo 2012 197-204.
- Eleonora Mussino and Salvatore Strozza (2012), Does citizenship still matter? Second birth risks of resident foreigners in Italy. European Journal of Population, 28(3) 269-302. doi: 10.1007/s10680-012-9261-6
- Eleonora Mussino and Salvatore Strozza (2012), The fertility of foreign immigrants after their arrival: The Italian case. Demographic Research: Volume 26, Article 4, 99-130. doi: 10.4054/DemRes.2012.26.4
- Eleonora Mussino and Salvatore Strozza (2012), The Delayed School Progress of the Children of Immigrants in Lower-Secondary Education in Italy, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 38:1, 41-57. doi:10.1080/1369183X.2012.640014
- Eleonora Mussino and Salvatore Strozza (2011), Are first impressions lasting? Some consequences of schooling delay for immigrants’ descendants in Italy, Statistica, anno LXXI, n. 1, pp. 95-112.
- Eleonora Mussino, Claudia Iaccarino, Sabrina Prati and Salvatore Strozza (2010), Short-term reproductive behaviour of foreign women who became mothers between 2002-2006 in Italy, Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2009, pp. 63-82, ISSN 1728-4414. doi: 10.1553/populationyearbook2009s63
- Damiano Magrì, Susanna Sciomer, Francesco Fedele, Gianfranco Gualdi, Emanuele Casciani, Pellegrina Pugliese, Anna Losardo, Giancarlo Ferrazza, Eleonora Pasquazzi, Erika Schifano, Eleonora Mussino, Raffaele Quaglione and Gianfranco Piccirillo (2008), Early Impairment of Myocardial Function in Young Patients with Beta-Thalassemia Major, European Journal of Haematology, 80(6):515-22. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0609.2008.01054.x
Other Peer-reviewed Articles:
- Elena Ambrosetti, Eleonora Mussino and Valentina Talucci (2018). L’evoluzione delle norme: analisi testuale delle politiche sull’immigrazione in Italia In JADT 18 Proceedings of The 14th International Conference on Statistical Analysis of Textual Data, UniversItalia 2018 ISBN 978-88-3293-137-2
- Francesca Lariccia, Eleonora Mussino, Antonella Pinnelli, Sabrina Prati, Francesca Rinesi and Salvatore Strozza (2011), Record Linkage Between Italian Administrative Sources and Sample Surveys – How Much Information We Can Get? Three case studies, In: A cura di Mignani, Stefania; Costa, Michele (2011) Statistics in the 150 years from Italian Unification. SIS 2011 Statistical Conference, Bologna, 8 – 10 June 2011. Book of short paper. Quaderni di Dipartimento. Serie Ricerche n. 10, Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche “Paolo Fortunati”, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, Bologna, IT. ISSN:1973-9346
- Eleonora Mussino and Laura Bernardi (2010), Parlando di figli: analisi testuale delle aspettative di fecondità (Speaking about children: textual analysis of fertility expectations) In Sergio Bolasco, Isabella Chiari, Luca Giuliano, Statistical Analysis of Textual Data: Proceedings of 10th International Conference JADT2010, LED Milano. ISBN 9788879164504
Chapters in Peer-reviewed Book:
- Siddartha Aradhya and Eleonora Mussino (2020), Demographic profile of Syrians in SwedenInvited chapter in Comparative Demography of the Syrian Diaspora: European and Middle Eastern Destinations Carlson, Elwood D., Williams, Nathalie E. (Eds.) European Studies of Population-ESPO, Springer ISSN: 1381-3579
- Eleonora Mussino, Salvatore Strozza and Laura Terzera (2014), Il ruolo delle variabili individuali e delle realtà d’insediamento nell’integrazione degli immigrati, In Donadio P., Gabrielli G., Massari M. (a cura), Uno come te. Europei e nuovi europei nei percorsi di integrazione, FrancoAngeli-Ismu, Milano. ISBN: 978-88-917-1046-8
- Francesca Lariccia, Eleonora Mussino, Antonella Pinnelli and Sabrina Prati (2014), Differenze negli esiti perinatali in Italia: il ruolo della cittadinanza. In: Stranieri in Italia: Figli, lavoro, vita quotidiana (a cura di A. Colombo). Collana Ricerche e studi dell’Istituto Carlo Cattaneo. Il Mulino ISBN: 9788815248251
- Salvatore Strozza and Eleonora Mussino (2012), Le condizioni di integrazione, In: Vivere da immigrati nel casertano. Profili variabili, condizioni difficili e relazioni in divenire. Collana ISMU Iniziative e Studi sulla Multietnicità. Franco Angeli ISBN: 9788856856859
- Ferrara Raffaele, Mussino Eleonora and Strozza Salvatore (2012), Lo sfruttamento lavorativo: dimensione del fenomeno e caratteristiche degli immigrati coinvolti In: Vivere da immigrati nel casertano. Profili variabili, condizioni difficili e relazioni in divenire.Collana ISMU Iniziative e Studi sulla Multietnicità. Franco Angeli ISBN: 9788856856859
Book Chapters:
- Salvatore Strozza and Eleonora Mussino (2012), I figli degli immigrati nella scuola italiana: un difficile inserimento denso di implicazioni future. In I giovani e le sfide del futuro, a cura di M.F. Occhionero e M. Nocenzi, ARACNE, Roma. ISBN-978-88-548-4524-4
- Elena de Filippo, Raffaele Ferrara and Eleonora Mussino (2010) Dalla parte dei figli:il difficile inserimento scolastico; In Ammaturo, N. de Filippo, E., Strozza, S. (a cura i) La vita degli immigrati a Napoli e nei paesi vesuviani. Franco Angeli, Milano. ISBN 978-88-568-3287-7
- Eleonora Mussino (2008), La domanda di lavoro dagli annunci sui quotidiani (Job offers from newspaper classifieds); In Squilibri quantitativi, qualitativi e territoriali del mercato del lavoro giovanile. I risultati di una indagine conoscitiva. Collana: I libri del fondo sociale europeo FSE; ISSN 1590-0002.
- Antonio Golini and Eleonora Mussino (2008), Focus sui giovani che vivono nei piccoli comuni (Focus on young adults who live in small municipalities); In Squilibri quantitativi, qualitativi e territoriali del mercato del lavoro giovanile. I risultati di una indagine conoscitiva. Collana: I libri del fondo sociale europeo FSE; ISSN 1590-0002.
Papers under review
- Eleonora Mussino, Ben Wilson and Gunnar Andresson (2020). The fertility of immigrants from low fertility settings and their descendants: Adaptation in the tempo and quantum of childbearing SRRD 2020:23
- Sven Drefahl and Eleonora Mussino (2020). How does the age of the child affect parental survival? SRRD 2020:19
- Eleonora Mussino, Giuseppe Gabrielli, Livia Ortensi and Salvatore Strozza (2020). Fertility intentions in Italy within a three-year time frame: a comparison between migrant and native women
- Jonathan Lindström, Eleonora Mussino and Livia Olah (2020). Childbearing among women with Polish migrant background in Sweden: A combined origin-destination country approach
- Marianne Tønnessen, Siddartha Aradhya and Eleonora Mussino (2020). How the War in Syria Changed the Demography of Sweden and Norway – A Demographic Butterfly Effect. SRRD 2020:15
- Ann-Zofie Duvander, Eleonora Mussino and Jussi Tervola (2020). Similar Negotiations over Childcare? A Comparative Study of Fathers’ Leave Use in Finland and Sweden SRRD 2020:06
- Jennifer Caputo, Angela Carollo, Eleonora Mussino, Linda Ahrenfeldt, Rune Lindahl-Jacobsen, Sven Drefahl, Anna Oksuzyan (2019). Spousal Order of Migration, Gender, and Hospitalization among Immigrants in Denmark
- Sol P Juárez, Marcelo L Urquia, Eleonora Mussino, Can Liu, Yao Qiao; Anders Hjern, (2019). Healthy migrant effect or artifact? The impact of the method of estimation of gestational age on birth outcome disparities between migrants and native Swedes
- Giammarco Alderotti, Eleonora Mussino, Chiara Comolli (2019). Natives and Migrants’ Childbearing during the Great Recession. A Comparison between Italy and Sweden SRRD 2019:17
- Ambrosetti, Elena, Andrea Monti and Eleonora Mussino (2018). Who Does It and Where? Economic integration of refugees in France and Sweden. SRRD 2018:03