
For a complete list of my published research see my publications page.
For a complete list of my research projects and those that I am working on see my CV page.

Core projects:

Principal Investigator:     

Influences of origin and destinations on migrant fertility – Swedish Research Council for Health, Working life and Welfare FORTE (nr. 2018-00310) (3.630.000 SEK)

Co- applicant:    

The unintended consequences of Swedish parental leave policy: A health equity perspectiveThe Swedish Research Council (2018-01825.) PI-Sol Juarez (5.604.000 SEK)

The neighborhood revisited:  Spatial polarization and social cohesion in contemporary Sweden-The Swedish foundation for humanities and social science RJ (nr M18-0214:1) PI- Prof. Bo Malmberg (39.000.000 SEK)

Migrant Trajectories- Geographical Mobility, Family Careers, Employment, Education, and Social Insurance in Sweden, 1990-2016– Swedish Research Council for Health, Working life and Welfare -FORTE (nr. 2016-07105) PI- Prof. Bo Malmberg (18.000.000 SEK)

Exposure to Swedish society and immigrant integration: The family formation of immigrants who arrived as children – The Swedish Research Council (2017-01021) PI- Ben Wilson (3.600.000 SEK)